About this site

There have been innumerable cultures, arts, sciences, various fields of vast literature in different languages, music, religions, very interesting day-to-day happenings, occasions for celebration, inescapable situations of misery on enormous scale and so on and so forth from times immemorial on this planet which is at least partly dominated by humanly intelligent activities and achievements.

Under various captioned-features, five in English and again five in Telugu, we try to introduce various basic themes and topics by way of attempting to familiarise our esteemed and
enlightened Satsang-members with the authentic essence of them in an interesting manner.

The humble author of these items is V.V.Krishna Rao, who hails from a family which gave birth to great authors, writers, scientists, and artists. Kaviraajahamsa, Kavikulaalankaara Sri Balantrapu Venkataraogaru, Sri Chaganti Seshayyagaru of “Andhra Kavi Tarangini”, Dr Balantrapu Rajanikantarao, Dr. B S R Rao, Sri Balantrapu Nalinikantarao, Dr. G.S.N.Murty and Sri Chaganti Gopalakrishna Murty are a few of those luminaries.

The abounding Grace of Sri Saradadevi, the Divine Consort of Sri Ramakrishna Guru Deva, is the only source of inspiring learning experience of the author.

With the hearty technical support of his beloved nephew Raj Tatavarthy, the entire series is being maintained in the site in a very imaginative style of presentability.

About our site name : SRI AIM

As there is one Vedic Pranav which is chanted as “AUM“, there are five Pranavas in Tantra Sastra. Out of these five, “AIM” is one which signifies the Goddess of Wisdom and knowledge derivable from various arts, sciences and technologies. Goddess Saraswatidevi or Saaradadevi is the Vedic goddess from whom all types of knowledge including spiritual wisdom can be obtained by worshipping Her in various ways. In Mantra Sastra theses are called “Beeja-aksharams” or mono-syllables. “SRI” is also such a beeja-akshara. A seed has an enormous inherent capacity to generate plants or trees in all-conducive conditions. Same way, these monosyllabic seed-sounds are capable of producing a specific sacred energy that helps in the upliftment of a spiritual seeker under the able guidance of a traditional guru who himself is an enlightened one.

sriaim” quintessentially implies the sublime arcane scientific art that is revealed both in the Vedas and the Tantras and other allied subjects. It is surely not the primary theme of “sriaim” to deal with any esoteric sciences or arts. “sriaim” mainly aims at introduction and illumination of the role of spirituality, vedic rituals, personal spiritual practices such as daily worship of Chosen Deity, various arts and sciences of Indian origin, literature in general, aesthetics and so on.